
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

UCM: Framework Folders

When using the FrameworkFolders component, each folder is identified by its fFolderGUID and fParentGUID values. The fFolderGUID is the unique identifier for the folder, and the fParentGUID is set to the value of fFolderGUID for the folder's parent folder.

To list all the 2 contents under Cob folder:
SELECT ffileguid, ffilename, ddocname FROM folderfiles WHERE fparentguid='94B2FCB3A3D15A27E96B927CA80A3BD7';

To list all the 3 folders which are present under Cob folder:
SELECT ffolderguid, ffoldername FROM folderfolders WHERE fparentguid='94B2FCB3A3D15A27E96B927CA80A3BD7';

NOTE: A content item is not associated with fFolderGUID. It has only fParentGUID.

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