
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

UCM: Deleting contents or folders inside a framework folders

Use FLD_DELETE service to delete files or folders.
binder.putLocal("IdcService", "FLD_DELETE")

// Deleting a folder. Use any of the 2 ways below
  binder.putLocal("item1", "fFolderGUID:69A93E7E99FA46CC35CBCEA0E1B9F8DB")
  // binder.putLocal("item1", "path:/Enterprise Libraries/My Library/Folder2")

// Deleting a file. Use any of the 2 ways below
  binder.putLocal("item2", "fFileGUID:8F9E18BB9D8609A0E07F391C8A3737F4")
  //binder.putLocal("item2", "path:/Enterprise Libraries/My Library/Folder4/file1.txt")

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