
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

UCM: Standard Services

• Takes none or one parameter. If a parameter is given, it will be the name of a ResultSet. The method checks if the logged in user has the appropriate security as specified in the access level of the service to perform the specified action. It checks the security against a specific security group and account (if accounts are enabled) as specified by a revision. This method is used for validating security for actions on a particular content item, e.g. check in, check out, delete, etc.

• Takes no parameters. Given a dataSource, whereClause (as set in local data), the method looks up the data source in the DataSources table and executes the query with the additional where clause. The method will append additional security clauses to any query referencing the Workflow and Revisions table. The environment value MaxQueryRows determines the cut off point for the number of rows returned. The results of the query are placed in the data with the name as specified by the resultName (as set in local data).

• Takes one parameter. Given the name of a sub service, will execute it.

• Takes no parameters. The method will first execute the loadDefaultInfo filter. It then loads environment information, types, formats and accounts. Used for creating check-in and update pages.

• Takes no parameters. The method will first execute the filter loadMetaOptionsLists. It then proceeds to load all options list as referred to in the DocMetaDefinition table.

• Takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the table to look up in the server's cached tables. The second is the name the table will be given when added to the data. Use this method instead of executing a query, when the data is already cached in the server. This method is primarily used to make a server-cached table available for a template.

• Takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the table to look up in the server's cached tables. The second parameter is an argument specifying a column in the database and a lookup key into the request data. The value for the key in the request data is used to find the row in the cached table. The values of the row are mapped to the local data using the names of the columns as keys. One usage for this function is to retrieve cached information about a specific user.

• Takes at least three parameters. The first parameter is the name of a select query; the parameters that follow must appear in pairs. The first member of the pair is the column name; the second member is the key that is used to put the row value into local data. The method will execute the specified query and map the specified columns of the first row of the ResultSet to the local data. Use this method in replacement of a Type 5 action, if the service only requires a part of the first row of a ResultSet to be stored.

• Given a list of subjects, this method will do a refresh on each specified subject.

• Takes multiple parameters that must appear in pairs. The pairs are made up of two keys. The first key is used to look up a value in the data. The second key is used to store the found value in the local data. If the value is not found, an exception is thrown and the service will abort with an error message.

• Given a list of condition variables, this method will set them all to true. These values can only be tested in HTML template pages. They are not put into local data.

• Takes multiple parameters that must appear in name/value pairs. The name/value pairs are placed into the local data.

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