
Sunday, April 5, 2015

UCM: Common and Useful Filters

• During checkin, executed immediately before the uploaded files are placed into the vault folder

• Executed after checking if it is time to run scheduled events, such as the compaction of the database or the removal of the cache, which is performed every few hours. The check itself is executed every five minutes.
• A good place to add scheduled actions.

• Executed at the end of retrieveUserDatabaseProfileData to enable temporary alteration of user credentials over the scope of a single request for any purpose

• During update or checkin, executed before validating some of the data, such as dReleaseState, dDocName, dRevClassID, dDocTitle, primaryFile, alternateFile, dCreateDate, dInDate, and dOutDate
• Example use case: append the current date to the title of a document after checkin

• Executed during server initialization, after database connections have been established, but before the data in the database has been cached
• A good place for database table manipulation

• Executed at the end of the action validateCheckinData after the filter validateCheckinData and the content profiles have been evaluated
• This is a good hook for last-chance metadata validation for checkins.

• Executed after the file is placed in the weblayout directory

• Executed before the HTTP response is created for every service call

• Used to adjust dDocName during a checkin after the AutoNumberPrefix (if any) is applied, but before validation is done

• During checkin or update, executed before validating some of the data, such as account name, revision label, and field lengths and the custom document information

• Executed before content profiles are evaluated; can be used to set flags to trigger profile specific behavior, such as :defaultValue and :isExcluded.

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