
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Add attachments without using the Managed Attachments window

SCENARIO: When using the WebCenter Content Application Adapters for PeopleSoft or E-Business Suite, attachments are typically added by logging into PSFT or EBS and opening the Managed Attachments popup window. Another method of adding attachments can be done with direct checkins to the content server, as long as certain parameters are added to the checkin data.

To add attachments without using the Managed Attachments window, the following three parameters must be added to a checkin service call. This may be useful in migrating content from one system to another, or initial batchloading. To understand how these parameters work, look at the AFObjects table in the WebCenter Content schema. This table stores these values on checkin.

  1. dAFApplication - This is the name of the EBS instance that is set as the application in the AXF_COMMAND_PARAMETERS table. If using the OAF pages in EBS, the application parameter is set in the OAF_AXF_CMD_PARAMS table.  If using PeopleSoft, this value is set in the PS_AXF_CMD_PARAMS table.  This parameter is usually the simplest one to determine, since many content items will be using the same value for this.
  2. dAFBusinessObjectType - This setting must match what is setup in PSFT or EBS to pass as the business object type. For EBS forms, this is determined using the AXF schema table AXF_FND_MAP. The AXF_FND_MAP.ENTITY_NAME column is used for EBS forms. For example, when using the Oracle form Invoices, the dAFBusinessObjectType is AP_INVOICES. If using the "Requisition" page on iProcurement, this value will be what is set in the OAF_AXF_CMD_PARAMS for that OAF page (e.g. Requisition, or REQ_HEADER, depending on how the page was setup initially in this table). When using PeopleSoft, the value will be set in the PS_AXF_CMD_PARAMS table.  If performing checkins outside of the Managed Attachments window, this value must match exactly. If the match is not exact, content items checked in outside of the Managed Attachments window will not show up when the business user logs into EBS and opens the attachments popup.
  3. dAFBusinessObject - This is the key value for the page or form. An example of the key value on the AP_INVOICES form is the invoice number. This value is typically an integer representing an ID for a invoice, requisition, purchase order, work order, etc. This must match exactly what is being used when the Managed Attachments windows is used for checkins. If the value used in direct checkins to the content server do not match, the attachments will not show up on the Managed Attachments page, and will be orphaned in the AFObjects table.

Understand that these fields are not WCC metadata fields, but data used in the AFObjects table. But like metadata field values, these can be set in local data for the checkin call to the content server. If using RIDC for a call the CHECKIN_NEW or CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL, these three settings can be added in the following manner, just like common metadata fields are added (dSecurityGroup or xCommencts are added in the same manner).
//Managed Attachments parameters - these 3 trip the AppAdpater filter so that the content item is attached via insert to the AFObjects table. 
dataBinder.putLocal("dAFApplication", "EBS_instanceA");
dataBinder.putLocal("dAFBusinessObjectType", "REQ_HEADERS"); 
dataBinder.putLocal("dAFBusinessObject", "181152");

If using a SOAP request for the checkin service call, the following example shows the fields that can be added when calling a checkin service using GenericSoapService (a.k.a GenericSoapPort).

<ns1:Field name="dAFApplication">EBS_instanceA</ns1:Field>
<ns1:Field name="dAFBusinessObjectType">AP_INVOICES</ns1:Field>
<ns1:Field name="dAFBusinessObject">1234</ns1:Field>

Again, to help understand how these values are stored on the WebCenter Content side, use SQL Developer or SQLPlus to review the AFObjects table.  To understand where these values come from on the application side, review each form or page and investigate the AXF schema to see how the form is configured to pass in the page name. For OAF pages, the table of most interest is OAF_AXF_CMD_PARAMS (and related OAF* tables). If using PSFT, the PS_AXF_CMD_PARAMS table contains the values. If using EBS forms, the AXF_FND_MAP and AXF_COMMAND_PARAMETERS table contain the values. 

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