
Thursday, May 21, 2015

UCM: contains operator in DATABASE.METADATA SearchEngine

While working on a content server where the SearchEngine is set as DATABASE.METADATA, we might require the <contains> operator for searching contents, just like in OracleTextSearch. This might come in handy when lets say there is a multivalued metadata field (xDepartment), and there are multiple values for the same (AB, BC, CD). In such a case, we normally think of enabling the OracleTextSearch engine and then go ahead. But in OracleTextSearch , the indexing is slow and the content's status might take time to be Released. Also the system doesn't need a fulltext search.

Oracle have provided a component DBSearchContainsOpSupport. Enable it and restart. Follow the "Zone Fields Configuration" link on Administration page and define indexes that would be full text indexed. That's it.

You can then check your results by modifying the querytext in the Advanced Query builder form
`BC` <contains> xDepartment

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