
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Webcenter Sites: Asset, Asset Type, Asset definition

An asset represents a piece of content, such as an article or an image, that is managed in WebCenter Sites. It consists of a set of properties that helps distinguish it from other assets of the same type.

An asset type is a schema for distinguishing content types from one another. It is made up of a set of attributes, which can also be described as a set of fields on an asset creation form.

An asset type is a set of attribute names, while an asset is a set of attribute values.
An asset is an instance of an asset type.

When you create a new asset type for your CM site, a table in the database is also created, named for the asset type, that will store its instances (the assets). The columns in the database table correspond to the attribute names, while the rows correspond to its asset instances.

Asset definition controls the asset creation form. In particular, one can determine what attribute fields appear on the form and what order they appear in, as well as which attribute fields are mandatory versus optional.

Core asset types ship with WebCenter Sites by default. These are asset types that are typically used to support the structure of your CM site and website. Core asset types can be categorized as follows:
1. Container Assets: They "contain" lists of assets. Collection, Recommendation
2. Developer Assets: Query, Template, CSElement, Site Entry, Attribute Editor

Core "content" asset types does not ship with WebCenter Sites, such as articles, images, and media types.

All assets can be divided into two loosely defined categories: 
1. Content assets are items that visitors read and examine on your site.
2. Design assets are items that organize and format the content assets. Templates, CSElements, SiteEntry assets

The assets available to a site depend on the content applications and sample sites that are installed. As a general rule, the applications deliver design assets, and the sample sites deliver content assets.

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