
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Application Extension Framework (AXF)

This is the intermediary between the Oracle application and UCM. AXF is a web service call for Oracle apps. AXF performs one RIDC call to UCM to check for access, then responds to the app. It runs in IPM, deployed in IPM and uses IPM database tables.

In EBS menu, go to Payables - Invoices - Invoices link to open the Forms application. A saved invoice looks like this when opened.

What Does AXF do?

IPM sends a SOAP response to EBS with a UCM URL. If successful, EBS opens a browser to that URL. UCM login screen opens in browser, and then after login, Managed Attachments opens. User works with UCM in browser (independently of EBS). Standard service calls are made to UCM. There is no SOAP or RIDC used at this point.

Clicking New button pops up a checkin form specific to the integration:

Private Attachments vs. Shared Attachments

Private Attachments:
1. "Share document" option unchecked during checkin.
2. Security Group = AFDocuments
3. Not searchable in standard UCM search for anyone (except for users with specific roles, e.g. AFWrite, AFAdmin, etc).

Shared Attachments
1. "Share document" checked.
2. Allows Security group to be selected from groups that user has access to.

Enabling Managed Attachments

Enabling Managed Attachments requires certain components to be enabled:
• AppAdapterCore – Needed for all AXF integrations to UCM.
• AppAdapterEBS – Needed just for EBS to UCM integration.
• AppAdapterPSFT – Needed for PeopleSoft to UCM integration.

Other components that must be enabled:
• YahooUserInterfaceLibrary
• CheckoutAndOpenInNative
• CoreWebdav
• NativeOsUtils
• ContentFolios

How does UCM secure and separate regular content from private attachments?

• By security group: AFDocuments
• By database tables:
  • AFGrants – Grants user access privileges.
  • AFObjects – links the content items (attachments) to the invoice (business object)

When IPM calls AF_GRANT_ACCESS service, a row is written to UCM table AFGrants. Temporary access (half hour by default) granted to a user.

• dUsername: EBS/UCM user of same name. (e.g. operations)
• dAFApplication: Identifier for the instance of EBS. (VIS121)
• dAFBusinessObject: Identifier for the EBS form (e.g. invoice 1234)
• dAFBusinessObjectType: What kind of EBS entity is it? Invoice.
• dPrivilege: Defaults to Write from AppAdapterGrantPrivilege=W
• dExpirationDate: Defaults to AppAdapterGrantHours=.5 (in hours)

AFObjects contains "attachment" information, linking content items to EBS entities such as invoices.

• dAFApplication: Identifier for the instance of EBS. (VIS121)
• dAFBusinessObjectType: What kind of EBS entity is it? Invoice.
• dAFBusinessObject: Identifier for the EBS form (e.g. invoice 1234)
• dDocName: Content ID

Default Content Server profiles are provided for each business application,
• EBSProfile for Oracle E-Business Suite
• PSFTProfile for Oracle PeopleSoft.

In IPM schema (DEV_IPM), the table AXF_SOLUTION_PARAMETERS holds information about the UCM server.

• UCM_CONNECTION_STR is used to build the URL to pass back to the requesting application (e.g. EBS).

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